Univ.Prof. Dr. Raimund Jakesz – www.jakesz.com

My father is one of Austria’s most renowned surgeons and one of the leading experts worldwide regarding the medical treatment of breast cancer. He is also one of the few doctors who lives and teaches that true health and well-being can only be obtained through a holistic approach that unites the healing of body, mind and soul.

Dr. Michael Winer – www.michaelwiner.com

Dr. Winer is a healer and a teacher of the healing arts from Oregon, USA. He assists people in healing emotional blocks and in living more of their True Selves. His book „Healing: The Path to Freedom“ is prime literature in the field of Emotional Healing.

MagFH Barbara Kaindl – www.barbarakaindl.at

With great passion and creativity, Mag. Barbara Kaindl works as a learning coach and helps students of all ages discover the fun in learning and unfold their individual potential.

Jacquelyne Ellis – www.sacreddialogues.com

Jacquelyne Ellis is a professional intuitive, mentor and teacher. She serves as a liaison between the physical and non-physical worlds, relaying a wealth of information that is accurate, helpful and practical. Jacque lives in the US, and gives phone/skype sessions. People call Jacque for information, guidance, and support – be it about a deceased loved one, areas of their life they would like some clarity about, or communicating with their pet.

Patrick Valenta – www.praxis-kornhaeuselvilla.at

My osteopath of choice in Vienna. Patrick Valenta takes the time for an in-depth q&a at the beginning of a session, and uses several different methods until the best possible result is achieved. This way he was able to provide considerable support with several sports injuries I had.

Dr. Jens Busk – www.jens-busk.at

My dentist, who uses alternative and natural methods whenever possible! He had a dental practice in California until 2005, so his English is excellent! :)

Forestle – The Green Search Engine – www.forestle.org

I think it’s a great idea!

FreeRice – www.freerice.com

Playing, learning – and helping! :)

Stephan Erben @ www.substance.at

Thank you to my wonderful Homepage-Designer! Always a pleasure!